S13- 904: Excelling as an Agile Tester

Track: Agile Testing

At first glance you might relate testing in an agile context to a bunch of new abbreviations like TDD, BDD, ATDD and so on. Though these are good and often valuable practices, they are more closely related to checking (a term coined by Michael Bolton) of the software, that is to confirm our existing beliefs that the software still is intact. The point is to run them often and to help developers to know when to stop coding a feature. The speaker will make his case as to why developers should take responsibility of these checks and why it is not a good strategy, but today quite popular, to assign this task to the tester. So what should we as testers then do? Even though creating huge amounts of automated checks that will be executed every time code is integrated is an appealing thought, it is not enough to cover the whole spectrum of testing. This is where we testers can contribute with lots of value. We have an advantage over the computer, we are Sapient! We set out to find new information about the software by exploration and learning. We can easier relate and adapt to users and the business objectives of the product.

During this session, the speaker will take you through tasks and contributions you as a tester can do to be valuable in an agile team. Hands on tips on how you as a tester can plan, explain , visualize and report your work in a rapid and valuable way will be presented. He will demonstrate how a tailored and modified combination of scrum and Session Based Test Management can be of help.

Session Takeaways:

  • The difference between Checking and Testing.
  • How you adapt SBTM to fit nicely with SCRUM.
  • A simple but valuable way to plan your testing during a Sprint planning meeting.
  • Meaningful ways to report your test status.

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Session Speaker:

Henrik AnderssonHenrik Andersson – CEO, House of Test Consulting
Henrik Andersson is a consultant and the founder of House of Test, consultancy and outsourcing based in Sweden and China. He helps companies increase their efficiency and reconstructs their testing. He provides leadership and consulting for coaches, managers and leads. He tests, consults, speaks, writes, manages and thinks about software testing and problem solving. Henrik has worked in a broad range of fields such as medtech, defense, financial, pension, commercial web apps, logistics, SAP, search engines and telecom. This has given him a deep understanding of the way differences of context influences testing. You can follow Henrik on Twitter as @henkeandersson