Track: Agile Testing
If an organization is managing their agile software development projects using the scrum framework, there are few ways better to achieve shippable code incrementally than pushing (jamming?) testing upstream. In order to accomplish anadromous testing, there are cultural, philosophical, and technical impediments to surmount. This session will plunge into the strategic recipes of the push, certainty in the approach, and appraise at least one rock solid way of transforming your QA organization into a highly respected, capitalized (cost off-setting), and state of the art engineering practice.
Session Takeaways:
- Some Basics
- The Roster (players)
- The Product (certainty for development)
- Some Tactics
- How to Migrate Testing (are you anadromous?)
- How the STLC lives in harmony with the SDLC
- Some Approaches (How to pull it off …)
- Effectively Bragging
- Battle Elegance
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Session Speaker:
Jerry Welch – Senior Manager, QA, NICE Systems
With over 15 years in IT, Jerry brings network engineering and application server development experience to the world of migratory software testing. Focusing on a special people/project mix and agile/scrum perspective to managing QA organizations, his greatest achievement thus far is building The Container Store’s QA department from scratch. His current challenge is practicing Senior Manager of QA for WFM R&D at NICE Systems in Richardson, TX.