S13-704: It’s Automation, Not Automagic!

Track: Test Automation

Currently there is resurgence in the interest in automation of testing. This is caused by increased demands placed upon existing test staff due to unrealistic schedules and more functionality to test than ever before. This is especially true on projects that are adopting agile methodologies.

But what is ‘test automation’ really? Even with advances in tools and techniques there are still some old basic truths that everyone has to understand about test automation.

This presentation will talk about old issues regarding test automation and address new ones that have appeared. It will discuss the myths, lies, misconceptions and hard realities related to test automation. It will also cover the different types of test automation, the human resources and skills needed for it, the different aspects of implementing automation for a company, and the need for proper planning for an automation project along with setting of proper expectations with other groups outside of QA/Test.

Session Takeaways:

  • What is ‘Test Automation’ in the larger sense.
  • How to recognize and dispel the misconceptions about test automation.
  • What are the different types of tools for automation, and where are they applied in testing.
  • What are the resources and skills needed to implement automation tools.
  • Setting proper expectations of automation tools with management and other groups outside of testing.

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Session Speaker:

Jim HazenJim Hazen – Principal Consultant, Connected Testing
Jim Hazen is a veteran of the software testing trenches. He has over twenty years of experience testing applications on the PC and Web platforms. Mr. Hazen has been involved with the startup of testing groups at multiple companies and has done consulting work for the last 10 years. He has helped clients implement tools for functional automation, performance testing and test management. Jim has worked with clientele management to achieve efficiency gains and the financial benefits associated to testing. Mr. Hazen has been a speaker at STPCon, STARWest and other QA & Test conferences.