S13- 504: Combinatorial Test Automation: A Case-Study for a Point of Sale System

Track: Test Automation

Combinatorial testing is often used to decrease the number of tests required for manual testing, but it is far less frequently used as a driver for test automation. This case study describes a test suite designed for a large rent-to-own chain of stores that covers the payment-taking engine – a critical component of the system. This suite combines combinatorial testing with a keyword driven architecture and provides change detection across the payment calculator. In this session, we’ll talk about how the suite was designed and implemented, as well as discussing the challenges and constraints that shaped the test suite’s final form.

Session Takeaways:

  • Understanding of how combinatorial techniques can drive test automation.
  • Increased awareness of ways that automation can aid (instead of replace) manual testing

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Session Speaker:

Andy TinkhamAndy Tinkham – Principal Consultant, Magenic Technologies
Andy is an expert consultant, focusing on all aspects of quality and software testing (but most of all, test automation). He has worked in the industry for 15 years, for companies as small as 35 total employees and as large as Microsoft. Currently, he consults for Magenic (http://www.magenic.com), a leading provider of .NET custom development and testing services. You can find him on Twitter at @andytinkham and read his blog posts at http://www.testerthoughts.com and http://magenic.com/Blog.aspx.