S13-402: Learning the Context: The Art of Asking Questions

Track: Test Strategy, Process and Design

How do you start thinking about your testing? Do you have all the answers to make your testing strategy and coverage decisions? Are you missing the mark relying only on documented requirements? Have you analyzed potential risks affecting the product success? Ever wanted to become a more competent tester? Join Anna to discover the “big picture” context for your testing tasks, master skills for asking questions, discuss how and where to find answers, and learn effective methods to validate your assumptions for efficient and successful testing.

Session Takeaways:

  • Develop skills for asking questions.
  • Learn the “big picture” approach for context-driven risk analysis.
  • Leave with the exploratory testing guide and software quality analysis framework.

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Session Speaker:

Anna RoyzmanAnna Royzman – QA Lead, Liquidnet Holdings
Anna Royzman is the test lead in a cross-functional product development team that creates and delivers game-changing software in the financial industry, where “quality” is as important as the “time to market.” With a wealth of experience in the testing and quality assurance field, she has developed unique perspectives on quality leadership during the past decade. Anna organizes discussion panels, leads SIGs, creates workshops, and speaks at conferences to promote the value of skillful testing and the whole team approach to quality. Anna is an AST member and passionate supporter of the context-driven school of thought in software testing. She writes about her latest ideas and personal insights on quality and testing on her blog.