S13-205: Achieving Software Quality in an “Agile-ish” Environment

Track: Agile Testing

Rapid iterative changes to critical infrastructure systems are endemic in “Agile-ish” environments—and it’s well documented that such rapid changes negatively impact software quality. Incomplete and evolving systems limit the scope of testing, and the challenge of accessing a realistic test environment typically delays testing until late in each iteration.

How do you get to done in spite of these obstacles? Service Virtualization provides a simulated test environment for Dev/QA to access anytime, anywhere.

Join this presentation to learn how a simulated test environment can help you:

  • Start testing even when dependent systems are still evolving or not yet implemented
  • Reduce the risk associated with unknown defects in production
  • Eliminate errors early
  • Verify functionality & performance to ensure a good user experience

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Session Speaker:

Wayne AriolaWayne Ariola – Chief Strategy Officer, Parasoft
Wayne Ariola, Chief Strategy Officer, leads the development and execution of Parasoft’s long-term strategy. He leverages customer input and fosters partnerships with industry leaders to ensure that Parasoft solutions continuously evolve to support the ever-changing complexities of real-world business processes and systems. Ariola has contributed to the design of core Parasoft technologies and has been awarded several patents for his inventions.

A recognized leader on topics such as Service Virtualization, SOA and API quality, quality policy governance, and application security, Ariola is a frequent contributor to publications including Software Test & Performance, SOA World, and ebizQ—as well as a sought-after speaker at key industry events.

Ariola brings more than 20 years strategic consulting experience within the technology and software development industries. Prior to joining Parasoft, Ariola was Senior Director of Business Development for Fasturn, Inc., a company he helped to start. Previously, Ariola was a Principal Consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers, where he was recognized as a leader in the Strategic Change practice. Ariola joined Parasoft in March of 2003. He has a BA from the University of California at Santa Barbara and a MBA from Indiana University.