S13-104: Building Automation from the Bottom Up, Not the Top Down

Track: Test Automation

Most software automation projects fail. Why? Because testers, managers, companies think automation tools are magical and that automation is easy to implement, just record and playback – right? Wrong! Too many times, IT projects buy into the ‘easily automate’ software from the tools vendor only to find they have shelved the tool 6 months down the road. Building an automated test system takes just as much thought, design and planning as building the software application under test itself.

Before even thinking about an automation tool, you must have the supporting infrastructure in place for test automation. Not only does the manual test case have to be repeatable, but the whole process needs to be repeatable. One of the biggest causes of automation failure is trying to automate chaos. You won’t be successful at automation if you haven’t taken the necessary steps to create a repeatable testing process.

Session Takeaways:

  • What are the goals of testing?
  • Test Environment–is it under control, or out of control?
  • Test Data, do you know what you have, or is it constantly changing?
  • How have you built your test cases? Are they independent or are they dependent?
  • Get back to basics, develop a test automation plan and drive automation from the ground up.

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Session Speaker:

Jamie ConditJamie Condit – IT Team Leader, Lockheed Martin
Jamie Condit, a Colorado native, has a bachelors of science in mathematics from the Colorado School of Mines. She started her career in software testing and has been in the same discipline ever since with over 19 years of software testing and quality assurance, 10+ years in test automation.