Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers
Test Managers: the world is full of them. But do we really know what they do? Does your organization agree on the core roles and responsibilities? The answer is probably “No” for many organizations. This session will examine the day to day life of past and present test managers, case studies on their practices, review results of a survey taken among various test managers, and suggestions on which responsibilities need to be core in a successful quality organization.
Session Takeaways:
- Results of a case study taken of multiple test managers.
- Results of a survey taken among test managers.
- Core responsibilities of a Test Manager.
- Soft skills & leadership skills that make a Test Manager more effective.
- Coaching, mentoring, and succession planning guidelines that every Test Manager should possess.
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Session Speaker:
Mike Lyles – QA Manager, Lowe’s Companies, Inc.
Mike Lyles is a QA Manager. He is a 1993 graduate from Appalachian State University with 19 years of IT experience, working in various roles over the years – from technical support to programmer, to Program Management Office, to Solutions Development Manager, to Testing/QA. His current role includes Test Management responsibilities for a major company domain covering Store Systems, Supply Chain, Merchandising, and Marketing.