S12-901: Rightsizing Testing

Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers

As much as business leaders may wish that it were not the case, software testing will simply never be anything more than an operating expense. Over the course of his career, Scott has witnessed and participated in both successful and failed attempts related to testing cost reduction gone awry. Each situation has been different in significant ways, but one thing has remained the same every time:

When the business leaders were faced with the fact that their boat was taking on water faster than it was before, they trimmed or cut the software testing operating expense. They were always initially baffled by how a decision could have had such widespread negative consequences.

Attend this session that is based on Chapter 16: Rightsizing the Cost of Testing in Reducing the Cost of Software Testing, and learn a problem solving approach and some valuable tips for right-sizing your software testing efforts.

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Session Speaker:

Scott BarberScott Barber – CTO, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Scott Barber is the Chief Technologist of PerfTestPlus, Co-Founder of the Workshop on Performance and Reliability, and co-author of Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications, Beautiful Testing, and Reducing the Cost of Testing (July 2011). Scott thinks of himself as a tester and trainer of testers who has a passion for software system performance.