S12-802: Adopting the Franchise Model in Testing Software

Track: Test Strategy and Design

In this session, Kat will explain how the franchise concept works, how we can use that concept in testing, the benefit and challenges that come with this concept, and how to overcome the challenges.

The franchise model offers a franchisee an instruction manual that provides detailed descriptions on how to start, run, and operate a franchise. The franchise instruction manual is a proven method that will ensure the success of the franchisee in operating the franchise. The idea is that the manual would be clear, concise and detailed enough that any franchisee should be able to pick up this franchise manual and be able to run with it.

This concept can be applied to testing and not just specific to software testing. I have executed this concept in an infrastructure project. This concept is most beneficial to repeatable projects. The idea is that there should be a complete, standardized, and proven package for the repeatable project that the project team members should be able to pick up and execute the end to end process of the project, including testing.

This concept sounds easy and simple but its implementation does not come without any obstacles. Kat will talk about obstacles we have experienced and where we are at in overcoming these obstacles.

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Session Speaker:

Kat BaumKat Baum – Quality Analyst, Ameritas Life Insurance Company
Kat has approximately 10 years of experience working in the Insurance/Financial industry. She has been involved in several aspects of the industry – ranging from customer service to IT. In the past 3 years, she has been involved in developing the testing methodology and testing quality at the company. She holds a Certified Quality Process Analyst certification from American Society for Quality (2010), and an ITIL v.3 foundation in 2011. She is passionate about finding the most efficient way to do things while delivering quality results.