S12-801: A Tester’s Guide to Indentifying, Managing, and Eliminating Technical Debt

Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers

More and more organizations are building VERY strong feature sets atop a crumbling architectural foundation. Learn what technical debt is, and steps you can take to eliminate it!

See Firsthand what the very obstacles are that we are trying to avoid. Learn what the tester’s role is in helping to make certain we never pitfall into this environment again. Learn the Seven sins of Technical Debt and learn how to get rid of them and never see them return.

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Session Speaker:

Lee HensonLee Henson – Chief Agile Enthusiast, AgileDad
Lee’s 12 years of experience spans a broad array of software production roles and responsibilities. He is currently one of just over 100 Certified Scrum Trainers worldwide. Lee has worked as a GUI web developer, quality assurance analyst, automated test engineer, QA Manager, product manager, project manager, ScrumMaster, agile coach, consultant, & training professional. His client list includes over 25 of the Fortune 100 companies, Government sector projects, small and large software production facilities, and multiple large-scale e-commerce implementations.

Lee is a graduate of the Disney Management Institute and is the author of the Definitive Agile Checklist. He publishes the Agile Mentor Newsletter. He is the inventor of Rapid Release Planning and is continually looking for ways to advance testing practices in the Agile and Scrum community.