Track: Test Strategy and Design
COTS Systems. Every mid- to large-size corporation has them: CRM, ERP, HRIS, CLM, Sales Management Systems, Revenue Systems, and Knowledge Management Systems, to name a few. In the enterprise world, all of these systems are integrated with each other, passing data back and forth through various conduits. As the vendors who produce these COTS systems release patches, upgrades, and new versions, how do corporate enterprise technology teams ensure that deployments and new implementations don’t break the data-driven enterprise ecosystem? The answer: They incorporate test teams, of course!
Attend this session and Virginia will walk you through a high-level testing strategy to test any type of enterprise COTS system–patch, upgrade, or new deployment. In doing so, she will share 14 lessons she learned the hard way so you won’t have to!
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Session Speaker:
Virginia Reynolds – President & CEO, Insight Quality
Virginia Reynolds is the Sr. Director of Global IT QA for Avaya, a global leader in business telecommunication systems with over 19,000 employees located in over 54 countries. Ms. Reynolds is part of the IT Executive Leadership team, reporting directly to the CIO. She is responsible for the global IT QA strategy and test management of 525 corporate applications used across the enterprise. In addition, Ms. Reynolds is the founder of Insight Quality, a boutique IT consulting firm. Virginia is an IT Implementation Specialist focusing on high-risk, high-profile, large-scale multi-system application development projects with a focus on strategy, process implementation, and management within the high-risk areas of IT services delivery such as test strategy and management, requirements strategy and management, change management, configuration management, and test environment strategy management.