S12-605: What Mobile Developers Wish Mobile Testers Knew

Track: Mobile Testing

Some developers may feel testers in separate teams don’t get each other. But to keep up with the break-neck pace of change with mobile app development,testers need to know how to stay ahead of differences among devices, among different versions, between languages supported, between underlying software versus custom coding, etc.

This session examines how testers and developers can transcend stereotypes to manage risks together as a new kind of team that stays ahead of the complexity and ambiguity challenging development of mobile apps. For example, mobile testers can research gossip about upcoming phones, get pre-release devices, and define test cases about the interplay between default actions (such as making calls) and custom functionality.

When developers can rest assured that testers are capable of catching all issues, the team can focus on achieving superior creativity with stability.

Other such examples will be dissected in this session.

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Session Speaker:

Wilson MarWilson Mar – Architect, HP
Wilson Mar has mentored software testers and engineers throughout the world since the 90’s. He has established performance engineering capabilities at GoDaddy, Intralinks, McKesson, the US Army, and many other organizations. He is ASQ certified as a Quality Engineer as well as Software Quality Engineer, Quality Manager, and Project Manager.