Track: Performance Testing
More so now than ever before, your company’s website and web applications are critical to the success of your business initiatives. Think of all the business generated or sustained via the World Wide Web today compared to any other time in history — in today’s digital culture, a business with any sort of crucial web presence needs to make sure that its website is working hard for the business and not against it. That’s what web load testing is all about.
Managers and executives of organizations that derive significant portions of their revenue from web applications realize that they need to focus more on protecting revenue, reducing risk, and ensuring that customers have great experiences. They see how web applications that perform well on release day and throughout their production lives strengthen the company’s brand and reputation, creating customer loyalty. In other words, web load testing is a critical component to any risk management plan for web applications. This session will provide an introduction to the differences among performance testing inside your network, outside the firewall, and through actual end-user devices/locations.
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Session Speaker:
Scott Barber – CTO, PerfTestPlus, Inc.
Scott Barber is the Chief Technologist of PerfTestPlus, Co-Founder of the Workshop on Performance and Reliability, and co-author of Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications, Beautiful Testing, and Reducing the Cost of Testing (July 2011). Scott thinks of himself as a tester and trainer of testers who has a passion for software system performance.