Track: Mobile Testing
This session will discuss how virtualization can be a catalyst in changing an organization’s culture and perception about quality.The session will focus specifically on how implementing virtual test labs can build strong relationships with mutliple groups, internally and externally, which can lead to tangible benefits across the entire organization.
The groups that will harvest most of the benefits of virtualization are testers and software developers. Often testers are seen as an impediment to software developers. Through virtualization, silos are shattered as both teams are able to work in tandem, instead of against each other, as code is tossed over the “wall of defects”. Testers are able to capture defects in a controlled and protected environment, while developers can debug and isolate defects without disrupting the test enviornment. This creates a relationship where both groups are able to work collectively and determine the validity of a defect.
Both potential and existing clients can also reap the benefits of virtualization. The sales team is able to demo software products using virtualization to illustrate new enhancements and prototypes. Existing customers can alieviate their anxiety about testing in production, by allowing virtualization to be a safe haven for testing new releases and managing deficiencies.
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Session Speaker:
Jamey Jones – Chief Executive Officer, DyLabs, Inc.
Jamey Jones is the CEO of DyLabs, Inc., a testing organization whose major component is virtualization. With a decade of serving as a critical source to the software development life cycle for various businesses, Jamey provides both strategic and tactical leadership in virtualization. With a deep understanding of virtualization, Jamey has introduced virtualization to organizations, having a significant positive impact on software products and the perception of quality. This has enabled rapid testing for new applications, leading to releases on a broader range of system configurations. Through virtualization, Jamey has strengthened product capability and shortened delivery schedules, dramatically improving software quality.