Track: Agile Testing
Agile teams here, Agile teams there, Agile teams everywhere! And each has a different take on how to structure Agile teams. So where does the tester fit in?
This session will describe the different structures that real Agile teams are using, and discuss how testers can successfully fit into those team structures.
We will walk through several examples from Boston area teams, and consider:
- The heartbeat of the project
- The role of the tester(s)
- Manual and automated testing, and the parts they play
- Types of testing that work well and less well in the environment
- The effect of the environment on interaction between team members
- The role and likelihood of “getting squeezed”
- Acceptance, and how test works within that
You will walk away from this session with a good understanding of how to read an Agile environment and how to work on an effective team, without going crazy!
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Session Speaker:
Catherine Powell – Principal, Abakas
Catherine Powell is a principal at Abakas, a software consulting company. Catherine has been testing and managing testers and development teams for about 10 years. She has worked with a broad range of software, including an enterprise storage system, a web-based healthcare system, data synchronization applications on mobile devices, and web apps of various flavors. She is an author, speaker, and a mentor to engineers and technical managers. Catherine focuses primarily on the realities of shipping software in small and mid-size companies. Catherine’s published works, blog, and contact information can be found at