S12-302: Creating a Security Test Plan

Track: Test Strategy and Design

In many cases, security testing is left at the end of the chain. However nowadays the hacker ecosystem is changing and companies are more sensitive to this hot topic.

Building a security test plan is an art. It requires some specific skills and a different mindset. This session will first present the changing world and explain why security testing should be handled at an early stage. It will provide steps and guidelines for creating a security test plan as well as a method to objectively assess the risk of vulnerabilities found during execution phases.

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Session Speaker:

Dan AllounDan Alloun – Validation Architect, Intel
A 10 year veteran, Dan is a SW/FW Validation Architect in Intel Architecture group, validating the Intel Active Management Technology, one of the main parts of Intel vPro platform. Before starting his career in software testing (in 2002), Dan worked as a software developer on top of several environments and architectures at Intel (Israel) and Reuters (France). Today, his main areas of expertise are networking, security, and a deep technical understanding of the Intel AMT system. Dan owns a GCIH Security Certification as well as ISTQB, CTFL & CTAL certificates in the validation area.