Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers
What makes a test manager? Many books, trainings and certifications exist on the topic, but outside the test world opinions are divided.
So, what makes a great test manager? Is it the one that makes a difference, who understands both the project manager and tester and can challenge stakeholders? Is there a person that few doubt and everyone wants on their team?
This session will focus on:
- Different views on test management and what we can learn from it
- Key drivers and motivators of a great test manager
- Developing a test manager from a manager’s view
- The future of test management – a new knowledge axis, an expanding role
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Session Speaker:
Drazen Tomac – Head of Test Management, Nagravision – Kudelski Group
Drazen Tomac is the Head of Test management at Nagravision, Kudelski based in the greater Lausanne region of Switzerland. He has over 15 years of experience in test management, project management and software development in various domains from digital television and telecommunications to banking, while working for large international companies like Nestle, Reuters, Deutsche Bank, Orange and UN. Drazen holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and is a passionate marathoner and scuba diver.