S12-204: Forming Your Own Selenium/Watir Clouds for Fun or Money

Track: Test Automation

Your client wants continuous integration of Selenium/Watir, but your large suite of Selenium tests take hours to execute. You’ve suggested they use an existing selenium/watir cloud service, but for privacy or other reasons they’d rather you form your own sub-cloud on an existing generic computing cloud they trust. As long as you are fairly comfortable in Linux and Ruby, forming your own selenium/watir cloud isn’t as difficult as you might think. This session will cover how to estimate the amount of cloud you will require, how to provision the required cloud space/cpu’s, and how to bundle and distribute your tests, so that they finish within the required time. If nothing else, you’ll learn how to estimate how much money you are losing in outsourcing this simple service, as many currently do.

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Session Speaker:

Aaron Broad – Independent Consultant
Aaron Broad has a BCS from the University of New Brunswick. In addition to being a full-time tester he is working on a Masters in Artificial Intelligence, specializing in a novel evolutionary method for developing neural networks. Aaron has a 2nd degree black belt in Judo, is Atlantic Canadian Champion in the -100kg category, and won silver in the same category in last year’s Pedro Challenge in Boston, MA.