Track: Test Strategy and Design
The first time you’re faced with a big Systems Integration Test, it can seem like an overwhelming job—a logistical nightmare or quality disaster in the making. There’s just so much of everything to take in and take on.
- With limited time and budget, what do you really need to focus on to succeed?
- Where do you start, and how do you approach developing a test strategy?
- How do you plan and staff the test, and then prepare test cases and get buy-in from all the interested parties?
- Is there a way to manage test execution without driving yourself and everyone else crazy?
- What useful information can you provide to keep management informed, and still allow yourself time to manage the testing?
- How do you satisfy Audit or your internal QA department?
Drawing on experience managing large Systems Integration Tests in a variety of industries, Fiona Charles presents key strategies to help you address the important questions, and craft a manageable and effective test.
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Session Speaker:
Fiona Charles – Principal Consultant, Quality Intelligence, Inc.
Fiona Charles teaches organizations to match their software testing to their business risks and opportunities. With 30+ years experience in software development, she has managed testing and consulted on testing on many challenging projects for clients in retail, banking, financial services, health care, telecommunications and emergency services. Throughout her career Fiona has advocated, designed, implemented, and taught pragmatic and humane practices to deliver software worth having—in even the most difficult project circumstances. Her articles on testing and test management appear frequently and she speaks and conducts experiential workshops regularly at conferences.