S12-104: Lightsabers, Time Machines, and Other Automation Heuristics

Track: Test Automation

Once you become familiar with automation you realize there are a number of patterns that frequently occur across projects. By recognizing the patterns and naming them, it is possible to catalog, discuss, and leverage them across a variety of projects. Not “‘Best Practices,” these heuristics can help identify why automation rollouts are unfolding in a certain way and can point to possible pitfalls along the road.

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Session Speaker:

Adam GoucherAdam Goucher – Principal, Element 34
Adam Goucher has been testing professionally for over 12 years at a range of organizations from national banks to startups. A large part of that time has been spent augmenting his exploratory testing with automation. But automation is not the only tool in his toolbox. As an experienced tester who believes in the principles of both the Context School of Testing and the Agile Manifesto he brings an open and modern view of testing to projects. His first book, Beautiful Testing was published in October 2009 by O’Reilly Media.