S12-102: Test Strategies from Around the World

Track: Test Strategy and Design

This session will give attendees an overview of the significant test strategies in use by testers in various industries and business domains around the world.

We’ll examine: analytical strategies (where testers analyze requirements or risks to identify the test conditions to cover); model-based strategies (where testers develop a model of the environment in which the system exists, the inputs and conditions to which the system is subjected, and how the system should behave); methodical strategies (where testers use a predetermined set of test conditions, such as a quality standard or set of heuristics); process-compliant strategies (where testers follow a set of processes defined by others, such as Agile testing); reactive strategies (where testers react to the actual system under test rather than trying to pre-plan the testing); and, other strategies in common use.

You’ll understand the pros and cons of each of these strategies, and factors that aid or impede success with them. You’ll also learn how to blend test strategies to achieve optimal results, far better than any single strategy can deliver.

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Session Speaker:

Rex BlackRex Black – President, RBCS
With a quarter-century of software and systems engineering experience, Rex Black is President of RBCS (www.rbcs-us.com), a leader in software, hardware, and systems testing. As the leader of RBCS, Rex is the most prolific author practicing in the field of software testing today. His popular first book, Managing the Testing Process, has sold over 40,000 copies around the world, including Japanese, Chinese, and Indian releases, and is now in its third edition. He has written over 30 articles, presented hundreds of papers, workshops, and seminars, and given about 50 keynotes and other speeches at conferences and events around the world. Rex is the immediate past President of the International Software Testing Qualifications Board and of the American Software Testing Qualifications Board.