Track: Test Strategy and Design
There are many known techniques for testing projects lasting six months to two years. Even Agile projects which have a sprint every week or two are not intended to fit every feature into one sprint needed for the whole project. What do you do when you have a hard deadline and all testing WILL be completed in two or three weeks? Most test teams take longer to negotiate what will be tested than exists to develop, test, and ship the entire project! How does documentation fit in? Does it? If not, how do the users get help or training?
Lanette Creamer shares her experience testing in the wild on small projects. Learn how to manage several projects at once without feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Share your test results in organized lists rather than a database of test cases. Determine how your stakeholders prefer to understand testing results, and deliver them only as needed, along with functionality. Instead of traditional test planning, learn how to gather real test assets or a representative subset, along with your priority list so that you can prepare for testing without interrupting development. Learn ways to pair with programmers to turn around bug fixes at top speed and understand the scope of code changes.
When success is entirely dependent on meeting the project date, any practice that doesn’t return value quickly is detrimental to business value. Learn to adapt so that the goals you are meeting directly serve the stakeholder and business goals, and it may just be the most exciting and valued testing you are involved with this year!
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Session Speaker:
Lanette Creamer – Consulting Software Tester, Spark Quality LLC
Lanette Creamer likes testing software even more than Diet Coke and cats. After working for a decade at Adobe, including leading coordinated testing across products on the Creative Suites, Lanette jumped into consulting, working independently as Spark Quality LLC. Throughout her career, Lanette has evangelized advancement of real-time human thought above process solutions in software quality. Deeply passionate about collaboration, she believes it is a powerful solution when facing complex technical challenges. Lanette is an active participant in the testing community, and a writer in her well known TestyRedhead blog, on Twitter, and occasionally in industry magazines and technical papers.