Track: Leadership Perspectives for Testers
As a start-up moves from seed-stage to growth-stage to established company, the goals of testing, the techniques and practices leveraged, and the makeup of the team involved change. In this session, we will explore how you can best support the current testing done by developers, how different external forces push teams to evolve how they think about testing over time, and how you can become more proactive in anticipating what your product’s testing needs will be in the future. Attendees will walk away with a better understanding of what founders are looking for when it comes to software quality, what activities teams struggle with as they try to scale their operations, and how they can adapt their craft to fit the current needs of their organization.
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Session Speaker:
Michael Kelly – Partner, DeveloperTown
Mike Kelly is a partner at DeveloperTown, a venture development firm. He regularly writes and speaks about topics in software testing, but spends most of his time working with teams to deliver ridiculously high quality solutions faster than they could without rigorous testing practices. Mike is a past director and president for the Association for Software Testing and a co-founder of the Indianapolis Workshops on Software Testing, a series of ongoing meetings on topics in software testing.