S11-Keynote 5: Rising to the Challenge

Track: Keynote Address

Rising to the Challenge is the inspiring story of Rex Pemberton’s Mt. Everest climb at the age of 21. Mixing storytelling with dramatic video, he takes the audience on a captivating journey.

Before he could even step foot on Everest, Mr. Pemberton had to overcome numerous relationship challenges as he sought to find a team he could trust in such a demanding environment. He then faced the mental and physical challenges of training and preparing for something bigger than anything he had attempted before. Not only did he overcome these challenges, he leveraged his success on Everest to become the third youngest person in the world to climb the Seven Summits—the highest summit on each continent.

Attend and become inspired to succeed through the software testing and quality challenges regardless of the obstacles as you learn about self leadership, creation of powerful support teams, achievement of compelling goals and the ability to deal with constant change.

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Session Speaker:

Rex PembertonRex Pemberton – Explorer & Adventurer
Rex Pemberton is not only an athlete he is also a keynote speaker and facilitator. He has delivered over 350 corporate presentations to over 50,000 people across 7 continents. Mr. Pemberton effectively combines his knowledge of the mountains with his experience in management and sponsorship to deliver inspirational presentations.