S11-Keynote 3: Top 10 Tech Trends and How They Are Altering the Testing Landscape

Track: Keynote Address

New and emerging technologies such as mobile apps, 4G, cloud computing, HTML5 and NoSQL are making big headlines and impacting software engineering and testing organizations in various industries.

With so much critical data flowing to smart phones and tablets, there is immense pressure to ensure that apps –those that a company produces for its customers and supports for employees, vendors or partners – are reliable, scalable, private and secure. And this evolution of technologies and user behavior dramatically impacts those who are responsible for developing and testing applications.

The ways web and mobile apps are designed, developed and delivered are changing dramatically, and therefore the ways these apps are being tested are being taxed and stretched to the breaking point. Using real-world examples, Doron Reuveni identifies the top ten technology trends that have transformed the software industry and outlines what they mean for the QA and testing community.

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Session Speaker:

Doron ReuveniDoron Reuveni – CEO & Co-Founder, uTest
Doron Reuveni co-founded uTest in February, 2007. Since its inception, uTest has provided functional, usability and load testing services through a community that includes more than 30,000 professional testers from 165 countries around the globe. He is a published author and expert in testing methodologies for web, desktop, and mobile applications.