S11-Keynote 2: How to Win an Unfair Fight: Influencing People You Don’t Have Authority Over

A great idea is rarely good enough. Sound, well-structured logic regularly loses out to mediocre ideas from people who really know how to influence. This enlightening, research-based session delves into the human condition, revealing that the true key to influence is not intelligence or logic but an understanding of what people really value. Through a collaborative toolkit, this program delivers the tips and strategies you need to make people see the value of your ideas so you’re well positioned to gain agreement.

Program segments include:

  • Gain an understanding of what people really value and how that impacts agreement
  • Develop strategic advocates and create your own personal “influence upward” plan
  • How to get people to agree with you
  • Why some people disagree with everything and what you can do about it
  • How to get people to listen to your ideas
  • Manage your boss: How to help your supervisor make your job easier

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Session Speaker:

Garrison WynnGarrison Wynn – Speaker, Advisor, Author,
Garrison Wynn helps people learn how to make the jump from being great at what they do to understanding and developing the qualities it takes to be chosen for the job. He gets them to understand why their products, services, or leadership styles—or those of their competitors—are selected.