S11-Keynote 1: Notes From a Testing Coach

Track: Keynote Address

There are books about testing. But they don’t really “teach” testing, they mainly discuss concepts and provide a few examples. Meanwhile, tester certifications are all about poorly understood vocabulary words, most of which are forgotten quickly after the certification exam, rather than the demonstrated ability to test a product.

Do you want to learn testing? Do you want to get your people to learn it? Then there’s no alternative to “practice.” In the last several years, James Bach’s has become mostly about the nuts and bolts and wood and glue of such practice. In this talk, he will present some compelling examples of online and face-to-face test coaching, including hidden picture challenges and test patterns, dice games and socratic instant messaging.

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Session Speaker:

James BachJames Bach – Founder, Satisfice, Inc.
James Bach is the Founder of Satisfice, Inc. He started as a programmer but found the problems of software quality analysis and improvement more interesting than those of software production. Today, he works with project teams and individual engineers to help them plan SQA, change control, and testing processes that allow them to understand and control the risks of product failure. He also assists in product risk analysis, test design, and in the design and implementation of computer-supported testing. Most of his experience is with market-driven Silicon Valley software companies like Apple Computer and Borland, so the techniques he has gathered and developed are designed for use under conditions of compressed schedules, high rates of change, component-based technology, and poor specification.