S11-904: Testing for Healthcare: QA Challenges

Track: Test Environments

Software testing is always a challenge, but doing so in the world of healthcare raises the stakes. The quality assurance specialist understands that patient care demands accurate and reliable results. Testing must be thorough and meet exacting standards before implementation. It must also be mindful of HIPAA and privacy concerns. This session will share the best practices and “lessons learned” of QA testing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Among other things, the attendee will learn:

  • What the benefits are from engaging clinical users in the testing effort
  • How standardizing language and terminology used in communications with the testing team diminish ambiguity and misunderstanding
  • Why utilizing a fully integrated testing environment is crucial
  • How documentation templates yield benefits on current and future projects

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Session Speaker:

Kathy McFarlandKathy McFarland – QA Specialist III, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Kathy McFarland currently works as a QA Specialist III in Informatics at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She has over a decade of experience in software testing and design for a variety of industries. Her educational background is in IT (MBA in MIS) and healthcare (BS in Biology and Medical Technology). At present, she holds certifications from QAI as a Certified Software Quality Analyst (CSQA) and from ASTQB as a Certified Tester, Foundations Level (CTFL). When she is not working, she enjoys scuba diving, Caribbean travel, and following the NY Yankees and LA Dodgers.