S11-903: Showing the Value of Testing

Track: Management Perspectives for Testers

Many testers mourn the dismal state of their role within their company: not valued, not respected, and often excluded from important project communications. Sometimes we forget that our role as a tester is to provide a service to our organization, which means we serve our stakeholders needs (not the other way around). Here’s the catch: If we don’t meet the needs of our stakeholders, we are unable to add value for the company. If we don’t communicate in a way that connects with those needs, we are unable to demonstrate that we are adding value. Attend this session to share and learn how to get stakeholders clamoring for your project involvement, respecting your opinion, and truly valuing the work you do. You’ll soon be able to guide testing in your company towards a brighter future.

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Session Speaker:

Selena DelesieSelena Delesie – Consulting Software Tester & Agile Coach, Delesie Solutions
Selena Delesie is a consulting software tester and agile coach who runs her own company, Delesie Solutions. She has more than 10 years experience testing, managing, and coaching on software, testing, and agile practices for a range of leading-edge technologies. Selena facilitates the evolution of good teams and organizations into great ones, using individualized and team-based coaching and interactive training experiences. She is an active speaker, participant, and leader in numerous industry-related associations and conferences. Links to Selena’s published works, blog, websites, and contact information can be found at www.delesiesolutions.com.