Track: Test Automation
This session will demonstrate how to apply behavior driven development to a full project lifecycle. Using Eclipse technologies everywhere applicable from developing an Enterprise level SUT (System Under Test) with WebTools to modeling regression test Fixtures and executing those tests with the built-in functionality of Eclipse. Plus a powerful Test Framework using the best of WebDriver/Selenium 2, Easyb or Concordion. We then leverage the automation of those tests by creating a simple Test Cloud with CI tools like CruiseControl or Hudson. Management and planning of all tasks and ‘Mini Sprints’ within the tutorial is following Agile principles and where possible planned and controlled with Eclipse-based tools like Mylyn Connectors.
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Session Speaker:
Werner Keil – Director, Creative Arts & Technologies, Agile Coach, emergn Limited
Werner Keil is an Agile Coach and Consultant at Emergn, a business agility company specialising in Agile and Lean processes. Helping Global 500 Enterprises across industries like Mobile/Telco, Web 2.0, Finance, Travel/Logistics, Automotive, Healthcare, Environment & Public Services, as well as IT vendors like Oracle or IBM. Among his earlier clients are Sony where he designed and implemented micro-format based tags its online music portals. He has worked for more than 20 years as a project manager, software architect, analyst and consultant on leading-edge technologies for Banking, Insurance, Telco/Mobile, Media and Public sector. Werner develops enterprise systems using Java, JEE, Oracle, IBM or Microsoft, does Web design and development using Adobe, Ajax/JavaScript or dynamic languages like Ruby, PHP, etc. Besides working for major companies, he runs his own creative and talent agency Creative Arts & Technologies and in his spare time, runs and supports open-source projects, writes song lyrics, novels, screenplays and technical articles. Werner is committing member of Eclipse Foundation, Babel Language Champion (German), UOMo Project Lead and active member of the Java Community Process, including his membership in JSRs like 316 (Java EE 6), 321 (Trusted Java), 331 (CP) and the Executive Committee (SE/EE).