Track: Test Strategy and Design
Test managers and leads are always asked—how much time and effort to test a product for release? Once an estimate is given, it is almost always greeted with disbelief. This presentation will illustrate quantitative techniques for project estimation using real world case studies from the author’s experience. A discussion of metrics and benchmarking results will also be done to show how to apply the data to refine the calculations for future projects. These techniques can apply across many different software life cycle methodologies, from waterfall to extreme programming, and can be easily adapted to your product and processes. You will also have the data to support process improvements and understand the impact on schedules. You will be able to answer the question–was your estimate a WAG or a SWAG?
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Session Speaker:
Jim Sivak – Senior QA Manager, McAfee
Jim has been in the computer technology field for over 35 years. His career as a tester began with the Space Shuttle and over the years has encompassed warehouse systems, cyclotrons, radars, operating systems and now security software. He is a Senior member of the ASQ and is certified as a Software Quality Engineer (CSQE). Jim is passionate about software quality and testing, always looking for process improvements and new ways to accomplish the next set of goals.