Track: Agile Testing
Agile development techniques offer a lot of promise. For many people, it remains just that – promise. Many enterprise products have customers that want releases every six months or less frequently. They want RFPs and annual release cycles. Meanwhile, the engineering team wants rapid releases, dependence on refactoring, design in the small, and other Agile techniques. When your customer is staunchly waterfall, how can you be agile? This session will describe how an engineering team can use Agile techniques while successfully servicing waterfall organizations.
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Session Speaker:
Catherine Powell – Principal, Abakas
Catherine Powell is a principal at Abakas, a software consulting company. Catherine has been testing and managing testers for about ten years. She has worked with a broad range of software, including an enterprise storage system, a web-based healthcare system, data synchronization applications on mobile devices, and webapps of various flavors. She is an author and a formal mentor to testers and test managers. Catherine focuses primarily on the realities of shipping software in small and mid-size companies. Catherine’s published works, blog, and contact information can be found at