Track: Management Perspectives for Testers
The challenges facing a lead or manager of a newly created testing team or QA department can be intimidating, regardless of your previous experience. You will need to build a successful team and processes that can be well integrated with the processes of existing groups in the organization, all while continuing to meet customer commitments. Your mind will be full of many questions, the most important of which may be, “Where do I begin?” In this session, the presenter will examine the approaches used to address this challenge. The practical implications of different approaches will be discussed, as well as analysis of what could have been done differently in light of issues encountered and lessons learned along the way.
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Session Speakers:
Kristin Dukic – Director, Software Quality Assurance, ISD Corporation
Kristin Dukic is the Director of Quality Assurance at ISD Corporation. She has 15 years of software development experience in Point of Sale Systems, transportation and payment management software. She started her career as a software developer and was quickly recognized for her leadership and communication abilities by promotion to development management. She took on the challenge of starting a QA Department at ISD and currently manages a group of QA Analysts and Technical Writers. She is a member of multiple testing associations and is an active participant in local test and QA discussion groups.
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Peter Walen has been in software development for over 25 years. After working many years as a programmer, he moved to software testing and QA. Following a brief foray in Project Management and Business Analysis, he returned to software testing. He has worked in the fields of Insurance and Finance, Manufacturing, Higher Education/Universities, Retail, Distribution and Point Of Sale Systems. Peter is an active member of several testing associations, an active blogger on software testing and a moderator on