S11-701: Testing Untestable Code

Track: Test Strategy and Design

Testing software applications with the help of unit testing facilities is an widely-adopted standard in the software development industry today. Unfortunately there exist legacy applications that are not testable by their internal design. In some rare cases even software written today is not well designed to meet the necessary requirements for automated tests. In those cases testing a single component in isolation is not possible due to their dependencies on other components. This often leads to the point of manual testing which is cost-intensive and error-prone. This session will show how an additional layer of abstraction can help to work around these problems. Learn how it is possible to test any legacy application by transforming the parts-to-test into testable code fragments that a unit testing facility can deal with without modifying any line of the original source code.

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Session Speaker:

Stephan HochdörferStephan Hochdörfer – bitExpert AG
Stephan Hochdörfer is co-founder and department manager of Research Labs at bitExpert AG. Besides being the project lead for the bitExpert PHP application framework he is responsible for managing the generative programming approach used by bitExpert to create and maintain multi-tenant web applications. He has been actively involved in developing web applications with PHP for the past 10 years.