S11-604: Thriving as an Agile Test Manager

Track: Agile Testing

Your organization has gone Agile (or so they say), and you are the Test Manager. What will you do? Perhaps you talk to some people or read as much as you can about Agile. When you do, you’ll find that there is little, if any, information about how a Test Manager fits into an Agile organization. Some people may even tell you that your role is obsolete! The good news is that a truly Agile (empowered, self-directed, successful, collaborative, and silo-eradicated) organization takes a long time to form, which means that many Agile organizations still benefit in having Test Managers. To thrive as an Agile Test Manager though, your role and responsibilities need to change as the organization does. Attend this session to learn how to evolve as a Test Manager as your organization goes Agile, and how to ensure you consistently add value for your company. You will leave with insights, techniques, and approaches you can readily apply when you return to work, so you can thrive as an Agile Test Manager.

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Session Speaker:

Selena DelesieSelena Delesie – Consulting Software Tester & Agile Coach, Delesie Solutions
Selena Delesie is a consulting software tester and agile coach who runs her own company, Delesie Solutions. She has more than 10 years experience testing, managing, and coaching on software, testing, and agile practices for a range of leading-edge technologies. Selena facilitates the evolution of good teams and organizations into great ones, using individualized and team-based coaching and interactive training experiences. She is an active speaker, participant, and leader in numerous industry-related associations and conferences. Links to Selena’s published works, blog, websites, and contact information can be found at www.delesiesolutions.com.