S11-603: Wishful Thinking and Poor Planning: Load Testing in the Real World

Track: Performance Testing

Based on experience with over 590 clients, this session discusses how to deal with what actually happens in the real world of performance testing: ill-defined or non-existent customer requirements, truncated budgets and schedules, and mysterious crashes under load. This talk will outline the best ways to make sure a website meets all performance requirements despite what Murphy’s Law can throw at you. Learn practical advice and leave with a checklist to ensure your performance testing is successful.

Find the answers to these questions and more:

  • How do you take vague customer ramblings and turn them into solid requirements?
  • How do you set performance goals?
  • How do you quickly estimate bandwidth requirements and measure actual bandwidth throughput?
  • When should you test from the cloud?
  • How should you integrate performance testing into the development cycle?

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Session Speaker:

Michael CzeiszpergerMichael Czeiszperger – Founder, Web Performance, Inc.
Michael is the founder of Web Performance, Inc. After receiving his B. S. in Electrical Engineering from the Ohio State University, Michael Czeiszperger established a career as a software engineer at companies such as Yamaha and Sun Microsystems. In 1999, he founded Web Performance to fill a need for website load testing, and has been in the testing space ever since.