S11-601: Using Metrics to Change the Testing Organization

Track: Test Process

Testers today face many challenges in meeting tight deadlines, identifying quality targets, knowing if the software is ready for release or not. Many testers complain about chronic issues and challenges that have a common theme from organization to organization. We know that organizations can change if the change comes from the top… but how do you start change from the middle or bottom? Often this can be accomplished by exposing or making issues visible so that they are readily seen and their impacts understood. Can metrics collected by software testing teams provide enough visibility and insight to change how testing is perceived and performed within organizations? This presentation discusses organizational change from the perspective of using key testing metrics to highlight issues that make it difficult to adequately test products. Key topics discussed include: metrics and organizational change issues; software testing challenges; key measures that can be used for test organization visibility.

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Session Speaker:

Clyneice ChaneyClyneice Chaney – Quality Consultant, Quality Squared
Clyneice Chaney brings over 20 years of testing, quality assurance and process improvement experience. Clyneice holds certifications from American Society for Quality as a Certified Quality Manager, Quality Assurance Institute’s Certified Quality Analyst, and Project Management Institute’s Professional Project Manager. She has participated as an examiner for state quality awards for Georgia and Virginia.