S11-504: Agile Games and Thinking Differently to Support Agile Testing

Track: Agile Testing

This fun and interactive session will focus on applying games and simulations as a means to experience, learn and internalize Agile principles and practices. This session discusses the application of games and simulations to enable learning and application of Agile principles and practices. This interactive session will focus on how games can be an effective technique for Agile coaches and trainers to communicate complex ideas and concepts. Michael will also discuss some best practices for running games and simulations in your organization.

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Session Speaker:

Michael McCullough – Founder, TastyCupcakes.com
Michael McCullough is Senior Technical Director with Quadrus, and founder of TastyCupcakes.com, an online toolkit of games and Simulations for Agile coaches and trainers. Michael is an experienced Agile coach and trainer and has helped many organizations and teams across North America with the adoption and application of Agile. Michael has developed and used games and simulations for many years and brings with him a deep understanding of how and why they work. Michael also helped organize the first conference focusing on Agile games with Deep Agile in Boston this year.