S11-502: Think You’re Done Yet? Automation Tasks After Scripting is Done

Track: Test Automation

This session will discuss tasks that need to be done after the initial framework and test script development is completed. Building the framework and test scripts is only half of the equation, there is a lot more to be done to get to a complete solution. These other tasks are typically forgotten in the initial planning work for an automation implementation, and can have significant impact upon project success if not considered and done. The presentation will cover areas such as how to classify and organize test suite; setting up for unattended test execution; leveraging a VM farm for distributed test execution; creating ‘tool’ scripts to do pre/post execution cleanup and configuration setup & validation; reporting and review of execution result;, maintenance of framework/scripts; and training of other staff on the automation implementation. Automation isn’t just about script development. You need to consider the whole big picture.

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Session Speaker:

Jim HazenJim Hazen – Consultant, Connected Testing
Jim Hazen is a veteran of the software testing trenches. He has over twenty years of experience testing applications on the PC and Web platforms. Mr. Hazen has been involved with the startup of testing groups at multiple companies and has done consulting work for the last 10 years. He has helped clients implement tools for functional automation, performance testing and test management. And worked with clientele management to achieve efficiency gains and the financial benefits associated to testing. Mr. Hazen has been a speaker at STARWest and other QA & Test conferences.