S11-501: DForce Testing: Rapidly Testing Applications Using Unconventional Strategies and Techniques

Track: Test Strategy and Design

Delta Force operators of the armed forces use the mantra “mission first” to describe their dedication to their objectives on a mission by mission basis. They use any means necessary to accomplish their mission. They don’t necessarily adhere to protocols or standards if they get in the way of their end goal. Similarly, DForce testers do what is necessary to get the job done. They use unconventional approaches and tools to do the technical investigation necessary to test and release software in a rapid manner. Conventional test methods such as reviewing written requirements and writing test cases get in the way of rapid hands-on testing that reveal show-stopper bugs prior to a release. DForce testing applies a skilled approach to rapid software testing by using lighter weight tools. In this presentation we will discuss and demonstrate the DForce test approach of using free form exploratory testing, models, and checklists to drive testing and quickly plan, execute, and report test results. We will use a real-life example to illustrate how these techniques and tools facilitated the release of a highly complex business to business social networking application.

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Session Speaker:

Brett LeonardBrett Leonard – QA Manager, Construction Software Technologies
Brett Leonard has been testing software for over 10 years on a multitude of software development projects ranging from mainframe, client-server, service-oriented architecture, web, and test automation. Currently, he is the QA Manager for Construction Software Technologies in Cincinnati Ohio. He is member of the Association for Software Testing and serves as an assistant instructor for the Black Box Software Testing (BBST) courses (Foundations and Bug Advocacy). He has presented on topics such as test automation, test design, and Agile and Exploratory testing at the Indianapolis Workshop on Software Testing (IWST) and the Software Testers of Cincinnati (SToC).