S11-403: Where’s Waldo? Uncovering Hard to Find Application Killers

Track: Performance Testing

In this session, Claire will describe and provide solutions for common software performance anti-patterns. Anti-patterns are coding patterns in a software application that can cause performance bottlenecks such as excessive memory allocation. After describing several performance anti-patterns, she will show you how to use both IBM/Rational Quantify and Intel Amplifier to uncover these performance anti-patterns in applications.

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Session Speaker:

Claire CatesClaire Cates – Principal Developer, SAS Institute
Claire Cates is a principal systems developer with SAS Institute. She has been with SAS for over 27 years. During this time she has been involved in the development of many areas of the SAS System. For the past 17 years she has worked primarily on software performance trouble shooting, testing tools, and tracking resource usage. Claire has also been Treasurer and a Director for CMG (Computer Measurement Group).