S11-304: Adapting Conventional Testing Strategies for an Agile Environment

Track: Agile Testing

Contrary to what some believe, the Agile view of testing is not “don’t test,” nor is it “only developers should test.” Agile augments traditional testing done by testing professionals with other automated tests written and executed by developers and customers. Test Driven Development (TDD) and unit testing, user acceptance, exploratory, usability, load and performance, integration, and other techniques play significant roles in Agile environments. This course will help to explain how various testing efforts are used in responsible approaches to Agile software development. Further, it will explore ways that traditional QA efforts can be adapted to fit neatly in Agile processes. Examples will be given to show a typical Agile iteration, including what roles each team member plays inside and across iterations. Participants will learn how these team members collaborate in order to improve the chances that potential defects can be identified as close to the time they are introduced into the code as possible.

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Session Speaker:

Rob WalshRobert Walsh – President, EnvisionWare, Inc.
Robert Walsh is President of EnvisionWare, Inc., a Georgia company focused on providing self-service solutions to public and academic libraries. He introduced EnvisionWare to Agile development methodologies in 2002 using a hybrid of Scrum and eXtreme Programming. He continues to work closely with his team as it wrestles with real-world problems associated with using Agile to manage multiple projects simultaneously, moving from manual to automated testing, and making cross-functional collaboration work for Development, QA, and Documentation.