S11-303: Leading Business Testers

Track: Management Perspectives for Testers

Not all organizations have software testing teams comprised of software testing professionals. When software testing teams do not exist, companies may not be in a position to bring in a large team of skilled software test professionals to fill this void. Often a single software tester is brought in to lead teams of business testers. Leading a group of business people who often aren’t experienced in software testing is not the same as leading a group of software testers. There are often many challenges that even the strongest lead isn’t ready to deal with. Based on real life experience in leading business test teams, this presentation will discuss successes had at other organizations and look at approaches that could be applied when leading business test teams.

Key points of the presentation include:

  • Understanding key differences between software test professionals and business testers
  • Coaching the rules of the testing game
  • Identifying approaches for test planning and execution
  • Discussing common challenges when leading business testers

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Session Speaker:

Nancy KellnNancy Kelln – Software Tester, Unimagined Testing, Inc.
Nancy Kelln is an independent consultant with 12 years of diverse experience within the IT industry. Nancy is motivated by working with teams who are implementing or enhancing their testing practices; providing adaptive testing approaches in both agile and traditional testing teams. She has coached test teams in various environments and facilitated numerous workshops and presentations. She is an active member of the Calgary Software Quality Discussion Group, Association for Software Testing and the Scrum Alliance and has co-founded the Calgary Perspectives on Software Testing Workshop (POST). You can reach Nancy online at www.unimaginedtesting.ca.