S11-301: Data Management Strategy for Testing

Track: Track: Test Strategy and Design

Does your organization utilize test data management processes that fully protect the privacy of your customers and members? Does your organization manufacture test data in an integrated manner similar to production-like processing? Does your organization meet industry best practices in data solution quality? Every organization recognizes that effective test data management is a critical success factor to improving software quality, costs and data privacy. Data Manufacturing could be an answer to all these challenges. Our goal is to demonstrate how Aetna has deployed an efficient test data management strategy, utilizing integrated data manufacturing, resulting in a best in class industry solution as well as, federal government compliant protected production data.

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Session Speaker:

Fariba Alim-MarvastiFariba Alim-Marvasti – Senior Manager II, Aetna Inc.
Fariba Alim-Marvasti has overall responsibility for Data Governance and Data Management team at Aetna Life Insurance Company. She leads an innovative organization driving data manufacturing across Aetna with delivery responsibility for testing/quality assurance within the Informatics and Medical Management domains. She is a result-oriented Senior Information Technology Executive with an extensive and proven ability to lead, direct and manage IT organizations, deliver cost-effective solutions, and maintain productive customer relationships. Fariba has twenty five+ years of resourceful and highly successful experience in a variety of large complex systems. Prior to joining Aetna, Fariba was a Second Vice President at Travelers; Program Manager of Management Information in support of Commercial Lines. She developed an Information Management strategy for the organization. She also held the position of Assistant Vice President at Cigna Healthcare where she was a Program Manager of Information Management in support of CIGNA HealthCare’s Transformation Program to provide an enterprise data warehouse to support the entire healthcare division. She was responsible for the overall management of the enterprise warehouse release including application architecture, design, development, strategic planning, budget management, project planning, and client and vendor relationships. Fariba has earned two masters degrees, a Master of Science in Health Care Management from Hartford Graduate Center/RPI, CT and a Master of Science in Applied Mathematics – Statistical and Probability from Syracuse University, NY.