Track: Performance Testing
Virtualized systems are replacing dedicated hardware environments in every organization, looking to do more with less by increasing the utilization of existing hardware. What is the impact of this trend on the tester? It means that performance testers need to ratchet up their game to understand the specific performance vulnerabilities of virtual systems and the new challenges they present in terms of defining workloads, measuring application scalability and system capacity, designing effective comparative tests, and presenting results comparing virtual and dedicated environments.
As a participant you will learn:
- The fundamentals of virtualization so you can add greater testing value to your organization
- Practical guidelines for conducting effective virtualized testing
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Session Speaker:
Dan Downing – Principal Consultant, Mentora Group
Dan Downing is a co-founder and Principal Consultant at Mentora Group, Inc., a testing and managed hosting company. Dan is the author of the 5-Steps of Load Testing, which he taught at Mercury Education Centers, and of numerous presentations, white papers and articles on performance testing. He teaches load testing and over the past 13 years has led hundreds of performance projects on applications ranging from eCommerce to ERP and companies ranging from startups to global enterprises. He is a regular presenter at STAR, HP Software Universe, Software Test and Performance, and Workshop on Performance and Reliability (WOPR) conferences.