S11-202: The Mobile Testing Challenges: Why Mobile Apps Need Real World Testing

Track: Test Environments

One of the key factors enabling wide deployment and adoption of mobile applications is careful usage of system resources. High quality mobile applications must consume fewer system resources such as CPU, memory, and most importantly the battery. Knowing and understanding the factors that influence performance on mobile devices is extremely beneficial in order to plan a successful testing approach. We are going to present a case study on performance testing of the Microsoft Office Communicator Mobile application for Windows Mobile 6.x phones. We’ll discuss our approach to performance testing, the complexity of automating performance tests, and how architectural improvements have contributed to improved application performance and better resource usage. Our automated tests measure six unique performance metrics for 20 different scenarios. We will also provide details on the performance metrics and tools used to gather and present this data and how we’ve used this data to make important decisions throughout the product cycle.

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Session Speaker:

Rama Krishna PagadalaRama Krishna Pagadala – Software Design Engineer in Test, Microsoft Corporation
Rama Krishna has been working at Microsoft as a Software Development Engineer in Test for five years. He has worked in the Windows Networking division and recently in the Unified Communications group. Prior to Microsoft, Rama Krishna has worked as a developer at Cisco Systems for four years. He earned a Masters degree in Computer Science in 2001.