S11-103: Becoming, Being and Building a Leader

Track: Management Perspectives for Testers

The raw components of a leader may be born, but cultivating and honing those skills, both for yourself and for others, is not an easy task. You have to create opportunities. You have to be available when the time is right. And, in some cases, you need some luck too. This presentation discusses how you create your opportunities, how you can best utilize the skills you have and how you can learn and polish new skills as a leader. You will learn how to be better and also how to cultivate the leaders from the people around you. If you want to be a leader, we’ll see if you have the skills, desire and drive to make it.

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Session Speaker:

Judy McKayJudy McKay – Consultant, SkyForest Consulting
Judy has 20+ years of industry experience in software testing and software quality assurance including management experience ranging from a hands on test lead position all the way up to the Director of Software Quality Assurance. As a result of these positions, she has extensive experience with managing, leading and motivating oursource, offshore, contract and employee teams (and a mix of all). She is a published author of a software test management book as well as a software test engineer’s handbook.