S11-1004: A Remote Tester’s Perspective: Challenges and Solutions

Track: Management Perspectives for Testers

Much has been written on the many challenges associated with remote testing locations whether they be onshore, nearshore, or offshore. The notion of utilizing remote testing teams may be a scary challenge or dismissed without consideration. This is largely due to the distorted views projected by past examples of poor quality and communication barriers within remote testing projects. Attending this session will provide you with insight into the world of a remote tester, the struggles that need to be overcome, and the rewards of hard work and perseverance. Attendees will be provided with practical information on how to identify weak links and improve communication among remote locations. Real-world examples and experiences of testing successfully within projects that utilize distributed teams will be shared. How to improve communication structures by identifying the best team structure, communication models and tools for the project will be discussed in detail. The issues are typically portrayed as an “offshore” versus “onshore” issue, however we will debunk the common myths and provide mitigating practical suggestions that can be used to address the real issues that are common within many organizations including team interaction, time management, cultural, and language barriers.

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Session Speaker:

Keith McIntoshKeith McIntosh – CEO and Founder, Professional Quality Assurance, Inc.
Keith McIntosh is the CEO and founder of Professional Quality Assurance Ltd. (PQA). With over twenty years of experience in all aspects of software quality assurance, testing, and software development, Keith provides leadership in testing engagements, test automation activities, and quality assurance processes. Keith continues to shape the vision and culture at PQA and champions quality assurance in his activities in PQA’s day-to-day operations. Keith is a graduate of the Wallace McCain Institute’s Entrepreneurial Leaders Program. He currently sits on the board of the Wallace McCain Institute at UNB and the New Brunswick Information Technology Council.