S11-1003: Did Homeaway Survive a Second Super Bowl Advertisement?

Track: Performance Testing

A Super Bowl advertisement can generate a huge load stress on a web application, if you are not prepared. This session will provide information on how HomeAway.com prepared and survived the 2010 Super Bowl advertisement. Did lessons learned from 2010 allow HomeAway.com to survive the Super Bowl in 2011? What were the key differences in the performance testing approach between 2010 and 2011 and what are the key elements for success? The audience will take away key lessons learned about performance testing in preparation of a large spike in traffic to a web application.

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Session Speaker:

Carl ShaulisCarl Shaulis – Senior QA Engineer, HomeAway.com
Currently, Carl Shaulis is the Senior QA Engineer at homeAway.com. Prior to 2000, Carl was a chemist managing an air laboratory in Austin, Texas. In 2000 a close friend encouraged Carl to enter the dot-com boom and apply his analytical skills as a tester for Excite@Home. Carl’s passion for performance testing, test automation, and continuously improving agile testing practices has driven his opportunity to work with start-ups as well as large-scale organizations. He is an author of two publications:

(Panelist); “How Can Testing Keep Pace with Accelerated Development in Software Product Line Engineering?” Software Product Lines, Third International Conference, SPLC2004, Boston, MA, USA, August/September 2004 Proceedings

Carl L. Shaulis; “Salion’s Quality Confident Approach to Testing Software Product Lines”; International Workshop on Software Product Line Testing, co-located with the Third International Product Line Conference, SPLC2004